Wednesday, April 9, 2008

love on polluted waters.

i love exploring.
last week cody and myself decided to take a walk by the polluted pond beside my house.
the super mario brother's lake.
named this because of the huge cylindrical metal....thing...sitting at the edge of it.
and every time we walk by.
we hum the super mario brother's theme.
you know. the original one.

anyway on this tuesday.
we filled our sippy cups with red bull and a little bit of vodka.
grabbed my camera.
and started off.

nature is amazing.
absolutely amazing.
the lines. the life.
the rawness.

well, when we reached the pond, we noticed something that wasn't there before.
by the side of the lake were two geese.
standing tall.
i ran back to my house.
RAN. and grabbed some Corn Pops.
i came back and as they swam, me and cody fed them delicious cereal.
we jokingly named them phillip and terrance.
as we walked along the side of the pond we noticed what seemed to be a nest.

well they're still there.
and honestly we cannot tell you which one is phillip or which one is terrance.
but we like to think they are a couple.
spending time alone.
finding love on polluted waters.

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