i was in the hospital yesterday for a broncial infection. nothing serious.
im working at 100% but more importantly is what me and cody figured out...
everything, no matter how gross it sounds, has a nice ring to it if spoken with a slight french accent.
try it out-
le her-pez.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Friday, September 26, 2008
i do. vintage-ly speaking.
a wedding dress from the 50's.
i've had my eye on this thing for two weeks.
and now it's mine.
ebay is a magical world.
with a couple of taps of your index finger you can find anything.
want a porcelain chicken? -there are 43 listed as of now.
how about a tube of green lipstick? 2 pages of different brands and hues ranging from pearl green to forest envy.
but you better act now on marilyn monroe wall rugs. there are only 2.
back to this dress.
i am infatuated with it.
i picture a wedding in a small white church.
probably methodist.
late 50's.
the groom at the front.
in a white tuxedo. black bow tie.
the brides maids in pastel blue. maybe pink.
some with the signature short boycut hair, some with poofy ponytails.
the attendees are there in hats and scarves.
fanning themselves.
handkerchiefs ready.
men talking about that elvis.
women comparing their new cat-eye frames.
then the wedding processional starts.
and she comes in.
wearing this dress.
this is where my imagination halts.
for some reason i can't picture what she looks like.
i may never.
i'm not sure why i was so intent on getting this.
the only time it will ever be put on is in the wee morning hours of the weekend.
when no ones awake or listening.
when me and the dogs listen to music and drink hot tea.
regardless, i bought it.
so until it arrives all i can do is imagine the history behind this dress.
and the woman who wore it.
too bad she's not included.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Monday, August 4, 2008
i think
my birthday is next thursday. the 14th.
at 2:55 pm i will officially be exactly 24 years old.
im not sure what i'll do, or even if i will do anything at all.
i think i might take firday off so i can hang out downtown.
the hustle and bustle of a city on the weekday fascinates me.
and i think i'll take pictures.
i think i'll have lunch in a random cafe.
and i think i'll actually order dessert.
even if i'm not hungry anymore.
or maybe i'll just eat dessert for lunch.
and i think i will talk in a funny accent.
and say things like "yes, dahhhling"
and "that's absolutely faaaaa-bulous"
and i think i'll wear a tiara.
i think i wont even bother to look down and see if i'm walking on my tiptoes.
not once.
all day.
i think i'll let my dogs run in the front yard.
i think i'll call britta and megan and wish them a happy birthday too.
happy monday dahhhhlings.
at 2:55 pm i will officially be exactly 24 years old.
im not sure what i'll do, or even if i will do anything at all.
i think i might take firday off so i can hang out downtown.
the hustle and bustle of a city on the weekday fascinates me.
and i think i'll take pictures.
i think i'll have lunch in a random cafe.
and i think i'll actually order dessert.
even if i'm not hungry anymore.
or maybe i'll just eat dessert for lunch.
and i think i will talk in a funny accent.
and say things like "yes, dahhhling"
and "that's absolutely faaaaa-bulous"
and i think i'll wear a tiara.
i think i wont even bother to look down and see if i'm walking on my tiptoes.
not once.
all day.
i think i'll let my dogs run in the front yard.
i think i'll call britta and megan and wish them a happy birthday too.
happy monday dahhhhlings.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
wedding bands are forever. razor scooters are 20 minutes.
and hello.
i've started my 2nd job at ruckus recently.
which means i'm pretty much always busy, so my writings are far between.
i've wanted to write about so much stuff and the things i see, but by the time i get home i'm too exhausted to think.
but i want to tell you two things about this past week.
first, this past sunday.
me and cody recently became the owners of two sweet razor scooters.
as we're riding them down the street we notice a steep hill.
paved, very smoothly.
we decide to race.
cody, being the more intelligent one, started to brake halfway down the hill.
me, being the more competitive one, did no such thing.
i won.
but i ate pavement.
i had the most horrible roadrash all along my right thigh.
all of this within 20 minutes of riding them.
i got up. blood dripping down my leg. and after i got over the initial shock.
i laughed.
and we did it again.
i braked this time.
second, yesterday.
i see lots of people come into the bar.
different people.
from bussinessmen to bikers, there's no real set "genre" (if you will) of the individuals i see.
well a guy comes in.
i shoot the shit with him per usual and he hands me the money for his beer.
i start to grab the cash and something catches my eye.
a wedding ring.
but it wasn't gold or silver or platnum or anything of the sort.
it was a tattoo.
i've heard of people doing this but ive never seen it until today.
and it was beautiful.
we talked about it for a minute.
and agreed that you should marry someone who you really love.
so you will never even think about taking that ring off.
and that is beautiful.
happy thursday.
i've started my 2nd job at ruckus recently.
which means i'm pretty much always busy, so my writings are far between.
i've wanted to write about so much stuff and the things i see, but by the time i get home i'm too exhausted to think.
but i want to tell you two things about this past week.
first, this past sunday.
me and cody recently became the owners of two sweet razor scooters.
as we're riding them down the street we notice a steep hill.
paved, very smoothly.
we decide to race.
cody, being the more intelligent one, started to brake halfway down the hill.
me, being the more competitive one, did no such thing.
i won.
but i ate pavement.
i had the most horrible roadrash all along my right thigh.
all of this within 20 minutes of riding them.
i got up. blood dripping down my leg. and after i got over the initial shock.
i laughed.
and we did it again.
i braked this time.
second, yesterday.
i see lots of people come into the bar.
different people.
from bussinessmen to bikers, there's no real set "genre" (if you will) of the individuals i see.
well a guy comes in.
i shoot the shit with him per usual and he hands me the money for his beer.
i start to grab the cash and something catches my eye.
a wedding ring.
but it wasn't gold or silver or platnum or anything of the sort.
it was a tattoo.
i've heard of people doing this but ive never seen it until today.
and it was beautiful.
we talked about it for a minute.
and agreed that you should marry someone who you really love.
so you will never even think about taking that ring off.
and that is beautiful.
happy thursday.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
spock-like scratches
Bobess is my little girl kitty.
i've had her for going on almost 5 years.
my first pet i've had outside of home.
my little obese, calico, girly cat.
she was diagnosed as a "mentally handicapped" kitty as a baby.
she doesn't land on her feet.
she gets confused easily.
well, she's a people person.
a lovey-dovey thing.
and i suggest you never make eye contact with her.
because she'll come sit right beside you, and then slowly move closer and closer to you
like you don't notice.
you have to see it to really appreciate it.
but she just rubbed up against my face.
and then decided to "pet" me.
which consists of her claws out.
but we giggle extra hard at my kitty's attempt at being sweet.
because across my face are 3 claw marks, instead of the normal 4.
because on BoBess's right paw, she has a toe removed.
i guess she's marking her territory
who could mistake that one? :)
i've had her for going on almost 5 years.
my first pet i've had outside of home.
my little obese, calico, girly cat.
she was diagnosed as a "mentally handicapped" kitty as a baby.
she doesn't land on her feet.
she gets confused easily.
well, she's a people person.
a lovey-dovey thing.
and i suggest you never make eye contact with her.
because she'll come sit right beside you, and then slowly move closer and closer to you
like you don't notice.
you have to see it to really appreciate it.
but she just rubbed up against my face.
and then decided to "pet" me.
which consists of her claws out.
but we giggle extra hard at my kitty's attempt at being sweet.
because across my face are 3 claw marks, instead of the normal 4.
because on BoBess's right paw, she has a toe removed.
i guess she's marking her territory
who could mistake that one? :)
Monday, April 21, 2008
edible history and the like
i remember eating dinosaur chicken nuggets.
not made from dinosaurs of course.
but chicken bits vaguely shaped into tyrannosauruses and pterodactyls.
dip them into your bbq sauce.
prehistoric history and dinner.
all in one.
and oddly colored condiments.
i think i was the only one who ate the purple ketchup.
and i don't even really like ketchup.
i can only name three things i eat it on.
onion rings, fries, and meatloaf.
purple meatloaf.
if they still sell purple ketchup i might have to make that.
but anyway,
the reason for this.
me and cody found a pizza shaped like mickey mouse's head.
now when you think about it,
it's kinda weird to be eating the head of a cartoon character.
a cartoon character you grew up with.
but then again.
i did just talk about eating miniature dinosaurs.
and purple meatloaf.
not made from dinosaurs of course.
but chicken bits vaguely shaped into tyrannosauruses and pterodactyls.
dip them into your bbq sauce.
prehistoric history and dinner.
all in one.
and oddly colored condiments.
i think i was the only one who ate the purple ketchup.
and i don't even really like ketchup.
i can only name three things i eat it on.
onion rings, fries, and meatloaf.
purple meatloaf.
if they still sell purple ketchup i might have to make that.
the reason for this.
me and cody found a pizza shaped like mickey mouse's head.
now when you think about it,
it's kinda weird to be eating the head of a cartoon character.
a cartoon character you grew up with.
but then again.
i did just talk about eating miniature dinosaurs.
and purple meatloaf.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
bedtime for sleepy girls. and a little boy.
i am about to go to bed.
i am a sleepy, sleepy girl.
and so are my little buddies.
i have 3 dogs and a cat.
if you do not have a pet or multiple pets.
i suggest you get one.
or several.
they all sleep with me.
bobess the cat curls up in my hair.
lebron the baby boy by my feet.
and carter, the queen of the house, slips right in the middle of the bed.
making sure she takes up as much room as she possibly can.
all while my big girl, penelope, the great dane/pitt mix lies right outside the french doors of my bedroom.
on her huge stuffed caterpillar.
it's a great feeling.
my little fur covered babies waiting to go to bed.
they are looking at me now.
and if i don't go.
they'll make do with what they have.....
i am a sleepy, sleepy girl.
and so are my little buddies.
i have 3 dogs and a cat.
if you do not have a pet or multiple pets.
i suggest you get one.
or several.
they all sleep with me.
bobess the cat curls up in my hair.
lebron the baby boy by my feet.
and carter, the queen of the house, slips right in the middle of the bed.
making sure she takes up as much room as she possibly can.
all while my big girl, penelope, the great dane/pitt mix lies right outside the french doors of my bedroom.
on her huge stuffed caterpillar.
it's a great feeling.
my little fur covered babies waiting to go to bed.
they are looking at me now.
and if i don't go.
they'll make do with what they have.....
Saturday, April 12, 2008
hi. i'm aunt jelly.
that's him. my nephew.
he is about 6 months old now.
and i love him with every sense of the word.
he constantly smiles.
me and cody woke him up after a ten minute nap and he just giggled.
and raised his arms to be picked up.
i hold him underneath my arm like a football.
and i throw him in the air.
my brother gets so anxious about it.
but i do it anyway.
and malaki laughs like a beast.
he knows me by my lip ring.
and the pink hair.
and by the name "aunt jelly".
i noticed the other day that his eyes...
they are turning gray.
just like mine.
and it makes me smile.
and if you look in those eyes, it's awesome to know there is a person there.
just waiting,
waiting to speak.
waiting to examine and listen.
waiting to grow.
waiting to learn.
already knowing how to love.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
love on polluted waters.
i love exploring.
last week cody and myself decided to take a walk by the polluted pond beside my house.
the super mario brother's lake.
named this because of the huge cylindrical metal....thing...sitting at the edge of it.
and every time we walk by.
we hum the super mario brother's theme.
you know. the original one.
anyway on this tuesday.
we filled our sippy cups with red bull and a little bit of vodka.
grabbed my camera.
and started off.
nature is amazing.
absolutely amazing.
the lines. the life.
the rawness.
it's just....wow.
well, when we reached the pond, we noticed something that wasn't there before.
by the side of the lake were two geese.
standing tall.
i ran back to my house.
RAN. and grabbed some Corn Pops.
i came back and as they swam, me and cody fed them delicious cereal.
we jokingly named them phillip and terrance.
as we walked along the side of the pond we noticed what seemed to be a nest.
well they're still there.
and honestly we cannot tell you which one is phillip or which one is terrance.
but we like to think they are a couple.
spending time alone.
finding love on polluted waters.
last week cody and myself decided to take a walk by the polluted pond beside my house.
the super mario brother's lake.

named this because of the huge cylindrical metal....thing...sitting at the edge of it.
and every time we walk by.
we hum the super mario brother's theme.
you know. the original one.
anyway on this tuesday.
we filled our sippy cups with red bull and a little bit of vodka.
grabbed my camera.
and started off.
nature is amazing.
absolutely amazing.
the lines. the life.
the rawness.
it's just....wow.
well, when we reached the pond, we noticed something that wasn't there before.
by the side of the lake were two geese.
standing tall.
i ran back to my house.
RAN. and grabbed some Corn Pops.
i came back and as they swam, me and cody fed them delicious cereal.
we jokingly named them phillip and terrance.
as we walked along the side of the pond we noticed what seemed to be a nest.
well they're still there.
and honestly we cannot tell you which one is phillip or which one is terrance.
but we like to think they are a couple.
spending time alone.
finding love on polluted waters.

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